We believe the bible is the Word of God, written by men who were inspired by God. Mankind has been separated from God because of sin, and forgiveness can only come through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God, and only through His death, burial, and resurrection can one be reconciled to God.

Every person who hears the message of salvation, has the opportunity to respond to that message by faith and obedience to the Gospel. The believer is then indwelled with the Holy Spirit, and gifts of the Holy Spirit for the edifying of the church. Jesus is coming soon to gather His church, and to bring God's judgement upon the wicked.

  • GOD

    We believe in the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the creator of all things, seen and unseen. We believe God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, and eternal. 

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    We believe as the Bible says. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He also created all living things including mankind, whom He has made in His own image."

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    We believe the bible is the Word of God, both old and new testament. We believe as Christians, we live under the New Testament teachings, under grace and mercy through Jesus Christ who was the fulfillment of the Old Testament law.

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    We believe that even though God had foreknowledge, Adam and Eve made a choice to sin against God when tempted by the devil, thus bringing sin and death into the world to all people, and bringing a curse to the creation.

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    We believe Jesus is the Son of God, eternal, and one with God. He was manifested in the flesh to make a way for salvation for all people, died for our sins, risen to life on the third day, and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

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    We believe the Holy Spirit is a gift from God that dwells in the believer as an inward witness that we are children of God, and to guide us into all truth.

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    We believe salvation comes to those who hear, believe, and obey the gospel message. We believe we make a choice of whom we will serve this day.

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    We believe true faith can only come by hearing the word of God. We believe real faith is evident by a Godly lifestyle, and a repentant heart.

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    We believe true repentance is acknowledging your sin, and striving to abstain from it with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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    We believe water baptism is not an option, but a required response to the gospel message. We believe water baptism is an outward symbol of the work that God is doing on the inside.

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    We believe the local Church is a part of the overall body of Christ. We believe the Church is to strive toward the unity of the faith. We believe the Church should show tolerance in gray areas, but never compromise the Word of God.

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    We believe Jesus is coming back to receive His church as His bride, and to spend eternity together. We believe God will pour out His wrath on all those who have rejected Him, and cast them into eternal darkness.

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East Mesa Christian Church has been around for 48 years. Our charter was granted on January 15, 1978. There were 120 members. The sanctuary was built and the first service was held in February 1981. Our fellowship hall and office building was added in 1988.

Our congregation has dwindled over the years. We now have 60 active members. Though our membership fluctuates we are a vibrant and welcoming church and we continue to grow.

Mike Perrotta joined the staff here at East Mesa Christian Church in 2024.